OrthoViewer is a simple image analysis tool designed for use in the precision agriculture industry.


It is available in two versions:


  • Full license version: for use with any multispectral ortho-rectified images in TIFF/PNG/RAW image formats. This version is available for sale (pricing on request).
  • Limited license version: for use with multispectral ortho-rectified images generated by AfriMap Geo-Information Services CC in TIFF/PNG/RAW image formats. This version is provided free of charge to clients for whom we provide a mapping service.


OrthoViewer is under constant development and we are always willing to consider specific user requests for new software development.


Any queries can be addressed to:


Dr Julian Smit

AfriMap Geo-Information Services CC

P.O. Box 1457



W Cape

South Africa

Tel./Fax.           +27 (0)21 789-2314

Mobile:             +27 (0)82 922-3193

E-Mail:             julian@afrimapgis.co.za

URL:                www.afrimapgis.co.za


Below is a step-by-step procedure on how to get started with OrthoViewer:


  1. Getting Started
  2. Opening a background image
  3. Defining a vineyard block boundary
  4. Loading overlay images
  5. Image classification
  6. Saving a classification scheme
  7. Loading a classification scheme
  8. Deleting a vineyard block boundary
  9. Printing